Dwuana Bradley, PhD

An expert on Policy, Organizational Behavior, Anti-Black Racism, and Anti-oppressive Methodologies.


Professor Bradley's research broadly examines the ways in which anti-Black sentiment perpetually undergirds the drivers and levers of federal, state and institutional policies across the P-20 pipeline in ways that (un)intentionally reify the social stratification of Black peoples across the diaspora.

Her work employs theories of anti-blackness, socio-legal concepts and critical qualitative methodologies to address issues of Black education, hate speech and anti-racist inclusion on predominantly White campuses; post-secondary access facing racially minoritized community college transfer students; and legislative influence on emergent tier-one universities and HBCU-HSI institutions.



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Dwuana Bradley is an education scholar formally trained in social science research methodologies and issues of systemic and structured inequality. She works to understand organizational behavior in higher education and K-12 settings.


“Even in the face of powerful structures of domination, it remains possible for each of us, especially those of us who are members of oppressed and/or exploited groups as well as those radical visionaries who may have race, class, and sex privilege, to define and determine alternative standards, to decide on the nature and extent of compromise.”

- bell hooks, Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black